When you are comparing model yachts from different sources, start with the hull and move up. Do not assume a model that appears good in some overall photos is actually accurate and good in details. The hull is the single part of a yacht that is most prone to errors because it is under the water and out of sight. That's why you see many models which do not have photos that clearly show their hulls and sterns. The only way to verify authenticity is via large photos that zoom in quarters of the yacht. Use a computer or a tablet to view, as phone screen is too small.

Some model yacht builders pride themselves for having cutting-edge machinery. However, technology can't produce pleasing texture. For example, 3D-printing can't give the beauty of exotic wood; Laser machine leaves burn marks and thus forces the usage of synthetic materials that resembles wood. The result is a 'soulless' object which fails to impress those who are accustomed to luxury. Machine operators also can't produce difficult curves when they don't have 3D files from yacht manufactures. Same situation goes for water toys: 3D-printers are useless because no manufactures would give modelers their trade-secret designs. That's why you see many yacht models out there containing no jet skis.

At ModelShipMaster, we use laser machine but we emphasize on hand skills. We use many types of hard wood to augment your model's beauty. We stain wood instead of painting it. As a result, our models are sharp, beautiful, and peerless.

If you want your model yacht to be an eye magnet in special evenings, have a look at the photo below. The light feature was pioneered by ModelShipMaster in 2005. Besides beautiful lighting, our models also have red/green navigation lights.

Perhaps the best thing about ModelShipMaster is that all management members are craftsmen and we have total control on the final products. Among several major model yacht builders, we are the only entity that does not rely on independent craftsmen for product quality. We do not have great advertising skills but our products are unmatched. Visit this link for an instance.

Choosing the right builder for your yacht is not easy as it seems. Models might appear good at first sight but many are actually problematic. The Thunderbird yacht model from Seacraftclassics below is an example. If you want to learn more about craftsmanship levels, Google "Boston Whaler scale model" to compare models of three builders.

Building an authentic yacht model is all about meticulosity, ingenuity, and an unwavering pursuit for excellence. A model yacht can be an eye magnet for years to come or a boring decorative accessory in a short time. We hope that the info above could help you distinguish between the mediocre and the premium. If something is not very clear, please feel free to send us an email at Services@ModelShipMaster.com. We look forward to building a spectacular model for you.

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