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ocean liner model

If you are looking for a model of the Starship Majestic, please click here: Starship Majestic

RMS Majestic was a White Star ocean liner working on the North Atlantic run, originally launched in 1914 as the Hamburg America Line liner SS Bismarck.  She was the largest ship in the world until completion of SS Normandie in 1935.  The third and largest member of German HAPAG Line's trio of transatlantic liners, her completion was delayed by World War I. She never sailed under the German flag except on her sea trials in 1922. 

Following the war, Majestic was finished by her German builders, handed over to the allies as war reparations and became the White Star Line flagship Majestic. She served successfully throughout the 1920s but the onset of the Great Depression made her increasingly unprofitable. She managed to struggle through the first half of the 1930s before being sold off for scrapping to Thos W Ward. She was taken possession of by the British Admiralty before demolition commenced after an agreement was reached with White Star and Thomas Ward. She served the Royal Navy as the training ship HMS Caledonia before catching fire in 1939 and sinking.

This Majestic model has the following qualities:

- Plank-on-frame (very important)

- Windows are cutouts (not black decals), thanks to the hollow structures.

- Captivating artistic lighting, with green/red navigation light that will light up your special evenings. LED light powered by standard 9v battery for your convenience or by a compact adapter to wall outlet. Cheap model makers have neither the artistry sense nor the necessary engineering ability. Their light is ugly bright incandescent bright placed on the model's floor like mushrooms.

36" L x 12" T x 7" W (including base's width) $3,590 Shipping and insurance in the contiguous USA included. Other places: $400 flat rate. Model is built per commission only. We require only a small deposit (not full amount, not even half) to start the process $500  The remaining balance won't be due until the boat is completed. Please click here for more details as well as the lead time.

Check out our other beautiful, authentic Italian liners RMS Berengaria model and SS Levathian model.