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Stopped The Soviet Navy - Influenced Modern Attack Subs

The Sturgeon submarine class was nuclear-powered fast attack submarines in service with the United States Navy from the 1960s until 2004. They were the workhorses of the Navy fleet throughout much of the Cold War.

Sturgeon submarines were built for anti-submarine warfare in the late 1960s and 1970s. They were heavily armed, with missiles including Tomahawks and Harpoons, as well as mines. The submarines also integrated new noise-reducing technological breakthroughs.

Some of the Sturgeon submarine’s distinguishing features included a retractable towed sonar array, a large sail to allow for multiple antennas, an ability to fire torpedoes, and a half-inch rubber coating covering a glass-reinforced plastic dome to improve sonar sphere performance.

Torpedo tubes are located amidships to accommodate the bow-mounted sonar. The sail-mounted dive planes rotate to a vertical position for breaking through the ice when surfacing in Arctic regions. The Sturgeon submarine had a top speed of 26 knots (48 km/h).

The last nine Sturgeons were lengthened 10 feet to provide more space for electronic equipment and habitability. The extra space also helped facilitate the use of dry deck shelters first deployed in 1982.

The class received mid-life upgrades in the 1980s, including the BQQ-5 sonar suite with a retractable towed array, Mk 117 torpedo fire control equipment, and other electronics upgrades.

The Sturgeon submarine class was the platform of choice for many of the Cold War missions for which submarines are now famous. After a 5-year study was completed on the SSN-637 class submarine, the design life was extended from 20 years to 30 years.

Current submarine weaponry has likely been influenced by the Sturgeon submarine’s on-board arsenal. In the 1980s, the Navy upgraded its Sturgeon-class boats to include improved electronics and the BQQ-5 sonar suite with a retractable towed array -- a technology that is widely used today.

This primarily wood
Sturgeon class  submarine model is 19" x 7" x 4" (1/200 scale) $1,355  Shipping and insurance in the US included. Other places: $150 flat rate. This model is in stock and can be shipped within five business days.

25" long (1/144 scale) $1,925 Shipping and insurance in the US included. Other places: $200 flat rate.  This model is built per commission only. We require only a small deposit to start the process (not full amount, not even half) to start the process $500  The remaining balance won't be due until the model is completed, in maximum four months.  

36" long (1/100 scale) $2,970 Shipping and insurance in the US included. Other places: $300 flat rate. This model is built per commission only. We require only a small deposit to start the process (not full amount, not even half) to start the process $500  The remaining balance won't be due until the model is completed, in maximum four months.  

For different sizes, contact us for a quote:

Learn more about the Sturgeon submarine model here: