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The HMS Beagle was famous Darwin's ship. She was launched on 11 May 1820 from the Woolwich Dockyard on the River Thames. The ship took part in celebrations of the coronation of King George IV, during which she became the first fully rigged man-of-war to pass under the old London Bridge.

HMS Beagle model

In 1825, HMS Beagle model was converted to a bark by the addition of a small mizzenmast, a forecastle, and a large poop cabin. For her first commission (1826–30), she was sent on a voyage to survey the coasts of South America.

On the second voyage (1831–36), HMS Beagle had Darwin as naturalist. A total of 10 officers, 4 midshipmen and volunteers, 38 seamen and boys, 8 marines, and 8 supernumeraries (including Darwin) on board. She was so crowded that Darwin had to sleep in a hammock slung above the drafting table in the poop cabin. A goal of the voyage was to obtain a complete circle of measurements of longitude, a feat requiring the use of 22 chronometers and accomplished within only 33 seconds of error.

On January 16, 1832, HMS Beagle arrived at the Cape Verde Islands and anchored on the island of Santiago. It was on Santiago that Darwin made his first discovery. He found a horizontal white band of shells within a cliff face along a shoreline. The fact that this layer was forty-five feet above sea level raised some questions for Darwin. This observation, and many similar others, would later lead Darwin to develop his own theory of raising continents and sinking ocean floors.

HMS Beagle

Darwin collected and made detailed observations of plants and animals, with results that shook his belief that species were fixed. He kept a diary of his experiences, and rewrote this as the book titled Journal and Remarks, published in 1839. This travelogue and scientific journal became widely popular, and was reprinted many times with various titles, becoming known as The Voyage of the HMS Beagle.

HMS Beagle sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, and then carried out detailed hydrographic surveys around the coasts of the southern part of South America, returning via Tahiti and Australia after having circumnavigated the Earth. While the expedition was originally planned to last two years, it lasted almost five.

In 1833, Beagle and two other ships helped the British to take control of the Falkland Islands from the Argentines.

During the ship’s third voyage (1837–43), the first full surveys of the coasts of Australia was accomplished.

In 1845, HMS Beagle model was stripped of its masts and used by the Coast Guard Service as a watch station against smugglers. She was sold for scrap in 1870. Some of her timbers may still lie in the Thames estuary.

About the construction of the HMS Beagle model:

- Built from scratch, Plank-on-frame construction
Copper-plated bottom: real individual copper pieces (no fake lines.)
- Authentic extensive rigging system comprised of many different sizes of rope and features numerous blocks and deadeyes.
- Boats are crafted individually from wood. They are not made from plastic mold.
- Sails: some are furled for you to enjoy beautiful deck features.

41" long x 31" tall x 11.5" wide $4,575  Shipping and insurance in the contiguous US included. Other places: $600 flat rate. This model is in stock and will be shipped within 5 business days.

Learn more about the HMS Beagle model here: